莱维特(LEWITT)发布新品 RAY——首支自动对焦你声音的麦克风

2024年4月《Midifan月刊》电子杂志发行,8 篇技术文章在线阅读

低频灵魂,不同凡响:Earthworks DM6 打击乐专用话筒评测

叮咚音频正式代理 Lunacy Audio,令人惊叹的交互式效果器 BEAM 横空出世

精准混音/监听全担当——森海塞尔全能型监听耳机 HD 490 PRO 上手评测

BBLAUDIO 参展美国 2019 NAMM 展会

官方新闻稿 发布于 2019-01-24 ·




Meet us at ACC Hall booth #18432B! we are join an NAMM Exhibition for the first time, we brought rackmount products and 500 series. We would like to meet you here to learn about our products in to Hybrid workflow.

Hybrid Digital/Analog workflow is the advanced professional system at the present time, this approach is becoming more and more popular around the world. Simple and easy-to-use Analog tools are Hybrid workflow requirements, and also that is the philosophy of bblaudio’s design, the original intention of our design is to combine them as a powerful production system.


文章出处 http://www.bblaudio.com/

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